‘Start the Week’ Surf Report

by | Sep 9, 2024 | Surf Report | 0 comments

Constantine (1*):  4 feet

at 6.40 a.m. on Monday 9th September 2024:

Grey, cold, wintery looking skies are hugging the bays this morning, a brisk nor’ westerly wind scooting across the sand, chopping up a weak looking four feet of blown out surf.
It’s a cold and messy, uncomfortable kind of start to the week but it will brighten up, if nothing else, by lunchtime.

Harlyn (1*):  3 feet

It somehow feels even colder over at Harlyn this morning, that nor’ westerly wind noisily stirring and chopping the two or three feet of grey and broken up surf.
It’s not a place to linger, not a place to lounge and probably not a place you want to surf today!

Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:   15:41  (2.0m)                High Tide:    21:36  (6.3m)


Surf Forecast for Saturday 7th September 2024

Four to five feet of choppy surf is going to be blown ashore by howling westerly winds today – another breezy Autumn day.
We shall probably be enjoying at least some wetness as well.
Other than that, well, we do have that other coast not too far away!


Surf Conditions for the Start of the Week

Another mixed up week of mixed up surf is going to be driven our way by onshore winds this week.
Temperatures are likely to stay low as mainly north westerly winds bring that cold air down the coast to blow-out the already wishy washy and weak windswell.
If we want cleaner waves this week we will probably have to travel over to the far coast but that’s not guaranteed to produce anything bigger than small waves, there are no obvious swell generators out in that Atlantic, at least not yet.
But we all hold memories of special September swells to play back and the traditionally best month of surf in this region is nowhere near over yet!
Stay safe, stay happy, stay well and have a great week, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!


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