Weekend Surf Report

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Surf Report | 0 comments

Constantine (3*):  2 to 3 feet

At 6.40 a.m. on Friday 13th September 2024

That nor’ westerly blow has finally blown itself away this morning taking its rain and greyness with it but leaving a chilly shade of Autumn in its wake.
And now the sky is that hazy blue that we have all been looking for, the air still and the waves smallish but glassy and clean.
Two to three feet of silky smooth, if weak looking and close together little waves are spilling and pouring to the beach, half a dozen dawn-patrollers already hoping for some surfing fun in the sun.
We’re going to get those onshore sea breezes this afternoon so you might want to join them as quick as you like, or maybe wait till this evening.
Either way, it looks like a bright and cheerful, calm and tranquil day ahead!

Harlyn (0*):  0 to 1 foot

Harlyn is filled with birdsong this morning, the lightest of breezes allowing the tiny little ripples that there are in the sea to snappily break like glass.
There’s not much to surf on here toady but if you fancy a swim or a paddle in the sun then this is the spot!

Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:   07:26 (3.1m)                High Tide:    13:40  (5.4m)


Surf Forecast for Saturday 14th September 2024

A light sou’ westerly breeze will be adding some slop and bump to the small surf today, a foot or two of expected weak and wishy-washy stuff probably being as much as we can hope for today.
It’s likely to be a little disappointing, especially with that bright sunshine expected to take over the skies!


Surf Conditions for the Weekend

High pressure is settling over us for this weekend – at last!
And so we should be enjoying calm winds and clear skies, at least for a day or two!
Unfortunately though there isn’t much yet to generate any swell out there in the wild Atlantic.
And so we’re in for a bright and cheery, calm weekend with lots of sunshine but little in the way of testing surf.
Saying that, new swell should start to push our way through Sunday, the three feet or so of weak and close together windswell gradually being replaced by something firmer, not much bigger, if at all but something more solid and defined, those waves further apart and more orderly.
Well, that’s the hope!
In the meantime stay safe, stay happy, stay well and have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!


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